2018 Duluth Hunt Summary and Statistics
Posted on February 1, 2019 - News
On behalf of the Arrowhead Bowhunters Alliance, I wish to thank you all for a successful season. Sure, the deer were often difficult to locate, and sometimes even tougher to get into bow range, but isn’t that what we all knew would eventually happen if we were doing what we promised we would do?
Thank you all for checking in with your Hunt Coordinators in a timely manner. That made my job so much easier.
Above, please find the annual report for the 2018 Hunt. Sure, it’s long. It’s definitely dull. But there are 3 or 4 of you out there that continue to ask for it, so we continue to produce it. For most of you, the first section will answer most of your questions. All of your comments are included in the Appendices, and have been submitted to the City and to the MNDNR as is. I didn’t edit any of them. The only thing I did do was to remove a named hunter in one of the comments. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.
Please stay tuned to the website for up-to-date deadlines for the 2019 Hunt. As it stands, the ABA meets with the City in early February to discuss the 2018 Hunt. Afterwards, proficiency testing will start for the 2019 Hunt and the whole circus will start over again!