Posted on January 31, 2023 - News
Stand Tags
Even on private lands, they are required to be marked. The last year’s stand tag is good until the last Saturday in August. Your old stand tag MUST remain on the stand until the new one is placed on. The current year’s stand tag MUST be on the stands on or before the last Saturday in August.
Trail Setbacks
100 feet on ALL official trails and roads. No differentiation between bike and other use trails.
Lottery Night Date
Zoom Meeting: July 13, 2023 6:00PM.
Orientation Night Dates
Wednesday August 2 and Monday August 21 @ 6:00PM for both. Mandatory for all. To be held at Clyde Iron in West Duluth.
Proficiency Testing
Starts on March 1, 2023 at Chalstrom’s or Custom Archery, and ends on June 27, 2023.
Application for 2023 Hunt
Opens on March 1.