Allow Baiting?
Baiting is illegal by State law. Feeding deer is illegal by City Ordinance. The ABA cannot and will not advocate for deer baiting. This issue comes up each season. It will never by legal. It is in Wisconsin. Please go there to bait and hunt.
Decrease bag limit?
MN DNR sets seasons and bag limits. The ABA can express your concerns to the State, but the ABA cannot change State limits. Please express your concerns to MN DNR.
Eliminate Earn-A-Buck?
The ABA proposed elimination of the earn-a-buck requirement for the 2015 Hunt. It was denied by the Duluth Hunt Review Panel. We will raise the issue again for the 2016 Hunt.
Antler point restrictions?
This is not a trophy buck hunt. This is a management hunt. We will never advocate for antler-point restrictions or minimum inch requirements. The definition of a “trophy” is a personal issue, and is not one to be legislated. What is a trophy to one hunter may be too small for another. Some hunters don’t care about antlers, as they make lousy chili. And that is perfectly fine. The ABA’s position is that any deer legally and ethically harvested with archery equipment is a trophy, be it a fawn, adult doe, spike buck, or 170-incher.
Where to report illegal activity?
If you see any illegal activity, contact law enforcement immediately. The ABA is a group of volunteers that are charged with managing people. We are not law-enforcement officers. The Duluth Police Department enforces City Ordinances related to this hunt, and in many cases the Duluth Hunt Rules. MNDNR enforces State game laws. Call either of these two departments. Email the ABA Board to inform us that there’s been illegal activity reported to the appropriate agency. If you see someone breaking any Hunt Rule, you may contact Duluth PD and /or the ABA. Often we are asked to enforce Rules after-the-fact, which is impossible. We need to know when the rules are being broken if we are to have a chance at rule enforcement.
I shot a deer, now what? What area do I use?
- Register your deer with the Minnesota DNR MN DNR Registration (button at the bottom of the page “Harvest Registration”). Be sure to use area 980 and record down your confirmation number.
- Register your deer with us. You need to be logged in before the “Member Links” with the registration link are available. The “Member Links” menu will appear in the right side of the header and is colored blue.